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(The plan for the Daily Schedule may be subject to change due to programming needs and as we monitor COVID safety in the months leading up to the workshop).  Please see the Welcome Packet that was emailed out to all participants with the most recent updates for the schedule.

Daily Schedule Performers (Monday-Thursday)

8:30-9:15am – Orientation (Monday only) (outside behind Kenan Music Building)
9:30-10:30am – MUSC 364 College Jazz Theory (Dr. Anderson, college class only) (KMB 1201)
9:30-10:30am – Community Workshop Theory (Ed Paolantonio) (Hill Hall 107)
9:30-10:30am – Great Recordings (M-Shynett, T-Alamo, W-Warner, Th-Foureman) (KMB 2131)
10:45am-12pm – Advanced Improv (M/T-Nathan Warner, W-Th-Rahsaan Barber) (KMB 1201)
10:45am-12pm – Intermediate Improv (M-T-Baron Tymas, W-Th-Foureman) (Hill Hall 107)
10:45am-12pm – Beginning Improv (Christopher Law and Holland Majors) (KMB 2131)
10:45am-12pm – *NEW Advanced Course* Jazz Composition and Arranging (M-T-Barber, W-Th-Anderson)
12pm-1:15pm – LUNCH
1:30-3pm Jazz Combo Rehearsals (see room locations on the Welcome Packet)
3:15-4:15pm Group Lessons
4:30pm-5:30pm Jam Sessions
KMB 1201 Advanced Jam Session
KMB 2131 Beginner to Intermediate Jam Session
5:30-6:45pm DINNER
7-8:30pm Nightly Concerts with Faculty and Guest Artists

Friday Modified Schedule (Due to Afternoon Concert)

9:30-10:30am – Advanced Improv (Barber and Warner) (KMB 1201)
9:30-10:30am – Intermediate Improv (Anderson and Foureman) (HH 107)
9:30-10:30am – Beginning Improv (Law and Majors) (KMB 2131)
10:45-12pm – Combo Rehearsal
12pm-12:30 – All students help move equipment back to closets
12:30-1:30 – LUNCH
1:30-2:15 Dorm room check out | Concert preparation
3pm Final Friday Student Concert

Daily Schedule Journalism/Jazz History (Monday-Thursday)

8:30-9:15am – Orientation (Monday only) (behind Kenan Music Building)
9:30-10:45am – Jazz History (Dan Davis, KMB 3029)
11-11:30am – Basic Music Skills (Davis, KMB 3030/keyboard lab)
11:30am-1pm – LUNCH and Study Time
1-2:15pm – Journalism Class (Bechtel, KMB 3029)
2:15-3:15pm – Individual Study Time
3:15-4:15pm – Observe Group Lessons (M-Th, pick a lesson to attend)
4:30-5:30pm – Interviews with faculty, guests, students, observe jam sessions
5:30-6:45pm DINNER
7-8:30pm – Nightly Concerts with Faculty and Guest Artists

Friday Afternoon Modified Schedule Journalism/Jazz History

9:30-10:45am Jazz History (Dan Davis, KMB 3029)
11am-12:15pm Journalism Class (Bechtel, KMB 3029)
12:30-1:30pm LUNCH
1:30-2:15 Dorm room check out
2:15-2:45pm Independent work on blogs and homework
3pm Final Friday Student Concert

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