UNC Summer Jazz Workshop
Now Receiving Applications! The 2025 UNC (North Carolina) Summer Jazz Workshop will take place Monday-Friday, June 23-27. We hope to see you there!
General Information
The UNC Summer Jazz Workshop is a unique five-day jazz program (Monday, June 23 through Friday, June 27, 2025) catering to students of a variety of ages—from middle school (rising 8th grade) and high school students, to college students and adults who want to study and be immersed in a high-paced jazz program which provides instruction in jazz theory, improvisation, small group playing, and group lessons.
There are three ways to participate in the UNC SJW workshop:
- As a performer in the Community Summer Jazz Workshop (non-college credit). Students in the Community SJW have separate music theory and jazz improvisation courses in the morning and early afternoon, and they join together with the MUSC 364 students to perform in jazz combos and participate in group lessons later in the afternoon.
- As a performer in the MUSC 364 Summer Jazz Workshop (3.0 college credit hours, satisfying the “Experiential Education” requirement at UNC). This portion of the workshop is available to rising high school seniors, college students, and adults. MUSC 364 students study jazz theory and jazz improvisation during the morning hours, and they join together with the Community SJW students to perform in jazz combos and participate in group lessons in the afternoon.
- As a student in the Jazz History/Music Journalism Through Social Media (non-performance track) of
MUSC 364. These students will study jazz history and learn basic music skills, as well as music journalism using social media. Students in this track are not required to perform in a combo throughout the week or to perform in the final student concert (3.0 college credit hours, satisfying the “Experiential Education” requirement at UNC).
The details of the daily schedule are provided below. Each evening, Monday through Thursday, guest artists and faculty will perform. All concerts are free and open to the public. On Friday from 4:30-7:15pm, the student combos will perform in the final concert. Refreshments are served each afternoon throughout the week in the Kenan Music Building Rehearsal Hall for participants in the workshop.
Dori Anderson
UNC Summer Jazz Workshop, Operations Facilitator
919.537.1356 Phone
Rebecca Clemens, M.M.
UNC Summer Jazz Workshop, Associate Director
919.306.3138 Phone
Dr. Stephen Anderson, D.M.A.
Director, UNC Summer Jazz Workshop
Director of UNC Jazz Studies
Professor, Composition and Jazz Studies
919.537.1358 Phone