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UNC Music Graduate Students and Alumni Continue to Impress

March 18, 2019

The Department of Music is very pleased to share with you our spring semester’s announcement of accomplishments by our students and alumni of the Graduate Program in Musicology. It’s exciting to see all of the excellent contributions our students are making … Read more

Crossing Eras and Borders with Opera

March 15, 2019

by Catherine Zachary In nearly two weeks to the day, UNC Opera will present their spring production, Kurt Weill’s One Who Says Yes. Weill is known for his modernity and boundary-pushing compositions, but this production will also be rooted in … Read more

Women’s History Month Spotlight: Nadia Boulanger

March 13, 2019

Nadia Boulanger was a force to be reckoned with in the 20th-century musical world. Teacher, composer, conductor, and scholar, Ms. Boulanger did it all. She crossed musical boundaries that others had not, and made a name for herself that is … Read more

Women’s History Month Spotlight: Isabella D’Este

March 6, 2019

For Women’s History Month, we’ll be highlighting a powerhouse female in music history every Wednesday. Today, we’re shining a light on Renaissance Woman, Isabella D’Este (1474-1539). Isabella was co-regent of the Mantuan state, a major patron of the arts, a … Read more

#CourseOfTheWeek: Intro to Black Music

March 5, 2019

MUSC 148: Intro to Black Music Taught by Assistant Professor Aaron Harcus, this course is an introduction to black musical cultures with a focus on understanding how music is made within social, geographical, and political contexts. Aside from regular lectures, … Read more

#CourseOfTheWeek: Intro to Country

February 26, 2019

MUSC 144: Intro to Country When we study music, we also study people: who makes the music, and why? Who listens to the music, and what does it tell us about them, their culture, their sense of who they are … Read more

Lucas Meachem is Coming Home

February 22, 2019

by Parth Upadhyaya When Lucas Meachem arrives in Chapel Hill in a couple of days as the Artist in Residence for the UNC Department of Music, it will be a homecoming of sorts for the Grammy Award-winning opera baritone. With … Read more

#CourseOfTheWeek: Intro to World Musics

February 19, 2019

MUSC 146: Introduction to World Musics In this course, students learn how to form and articulate sophisticated ideas about the social practice of music in several contexts throughout the world. In this age of globalization, prevailing understandings of music making, … Read more