Welcome, New Music Faculty!
Welcome to the Department of Music at UNC-Chapel Hill! We’re so excited to have you as a new faculty member. Below are a few important items to help get you started in the department.
I’m New, What Do I Do?
- Email and Onyen
- Setting up University Wifi
- Connect Carolina Self Service Portal
- Accessing Your Class/Studio Roster(s)
- Getting Your One Card
- Keys and One Card Swipe Access
- Bio and Picture
- FERPA Training
- Parking
- Who Do I Talk To About…?
- Lessons
- Starting the Semester
- Census
- Ending the Semester
- Scholarship Auditions
- Payroll
- Mailroom
- Facilities
- Practice Rooms and Lockers
- Classroom Technology
- Faculty Meetings
UNC Email and Onyen
- Create an @unc.edu email address and an ONYEN user name (ONYEN=only name you’ll ever need). Go to http://its.unc.edu/services/onyen-services/ and select “Create or Reactivate Onyen”. The system will navigate you through the process.
- Activate your email: Go to selfservice.unc.edu and select “Email Sign Up.” This will activate your email. Sign in to your email at office365.unc.edu.
- Please note that neither of these steps may be completed until your official hire date.
Setting up University Wifi
ConnectCarolina Self Service Portal
To access the Self Service Portal of ConnectCarolina use your Onyen and password to log in. Open the dropdown box by Admin WorkCenter at the top of the page and select Self Service. Here you can:
- Complete Tax Paperwork
- Set Up Direct Deposit
- View Pay Statements
- See more here.
Accessing Your Class/Studio Roster(s)
Rosters can be found via ConnectCarolina. Here you’ll be able to access contact information for all registered students. NOTE: If you are off-campus you will need to set up a VPN. For a helpful video on setting up a VPN and accessing your class rosters, please click here, or view an instructional pdf.
For applied lesson studios, the Associate Chair for Performance, Composition, and Music Education (PCME) will provide a list of students we’re expecting in the studio. Most of them know what they need to do to register, but sometimes a nudge from you is useful.
Getting Your One Card
The UNC One Card office is located near student stores: http://onecard.unc.edu/
The One Card acts as a library card and gives card swipe access to the outside doors of the Kenan Music Building, Hill Hall, Person Hall, and the Hill Hall basement practice rooms. The One Card contains your PID (personal identification number) that the library, tech support, and other departments use to identify patrons and log activity. One Cards expire on the last day of work for your current contract. If your contract is renewed your card will automatically activate for the new term regardless of the expiration date listed on the card. You do not need to get a new One Card each year.
Keys and One Card Swipe Access
Email Kristi Cooper to arrange a time to pick up keys for:
- Teaching space/office
- Classrooms
- Media cabinets
Kristi can also request One Card swipe access to the three music buildings and the Hill Hall basement practice rooms.
Bio and Picture
Cat Zachary (105 Hill Hall Rotunda), our Department’s Communications Coordinator, manages our website. Please provide her with a bio, picture, and preferred email for our faculty page and listservs.
FERPA Training
FERPA Training is required for all university employees. You can take the FERPA test as soon as you have your UNC Onyen and UNC email address. Take the test here.
Daytime Parking
The most cost-effective option, unfortunately, is to look for parking on Franklin Street or at one of the parking garages on Rosemary Street. It’s not ideal, but unfortunately, the department is not allocated parking spaces for part-time faculty.
Other options include UNC’s Park & Ride.
Weeknight and Weekend Parking
Swain Lot is permit-only during work hours but is open for public use on nights and weekends.
Weeknights (Monday – Thursday, 5 pm – 7:30 am), parking is $1 per night via the ParkMobile app or the pay station in the lot. Daytime employees without a daytime permit may be eligible for a $25 annual weeknight permit. Please contact the department parking coordinator to request the permit.
On weekends (Friday at 5 pm through Monday at 7:30 am) parking in Swain Lot is free.
Service Permits
The department has two service permits that can be used for up to two hours to load/unload equipment or for guest artist parking.
Vehicles displaying Two Hour Service Permits may park in:
- Any marked service space (for the allotted time period listed on the sign)
- Any unreserved parking space if all of the service spaces are filled.
Who Do I Talk To?
Kristi Cooper, Band and Facilities Administrator: facilities, scheduling, lockers, keys, One Card access, Bands | |
Jesse Moorefield, Production Manager: all things Moeser Auditorium and faculty/guest performances | |
Jay Harper, Multi-Media Technician: classroom A/V support, performance-related technology, pre/postproduction, student recital scheduling | |
Cat Zachary, Communications Coordinator: website, listserv, promoting guest artists and faculty recitals & masterclasses, copy machine issues, service permits, candy |
Adrian Mendoza, Student Services Specialist: enrollment | |
El Fisseha, Business Manager: HR, payroll, guest artists, weeknight parking passes | |
Evan Feldman, Associate Chair for PCME: performance course schedule changes | |
Mark Katz, Associate Chair for Academic Studies: academic course schedule changes | |
Max Mitler, Piano Technician: piano tuning, repair, and moving | |
Elliott Chandler, Accounting Technician: purchasing, bill payments, travel reimbursements (concur) |
Area Heads: | jury scheduling, masterclass funding |
Juan Álamo Wind, Brass, and Percussion |
Clara Yang Keyboard |
Nicholas DiEugenio Strings |
Jeanne Fischer Voice |
Lee Weisert Composition |
Stephen Anderson Jazz |
- Minimum of thirteen lessons each term.
- Minimum of fifty minutes for one-hour lessons.
- Occur weekly.
Please set a policy for missed lessons and make-ups. If you cancel a lesson for personal reasons, we expect that lesson to be made up at a time that is convenient for the student. Lessons that fall on university holidays do not need to be made up, though many teachers try to provide a make-up or an extra pre-jury run-through.
The Department makes a distinction between 100-, 200-, and 300-level lessons.
100-level lessons
- 1-credit lessons intended primarily for non-majors (though you are welcome to encourage the student to attend studio class to supplement their regular lessons.)
- Students require permission before registering online through ConnectCarolina.
- Students should reach out to you to schedule lessons, but feel free to contact them preemptively.
200-level lessons
- 2-credit lessons intended for music majors and advanced non-majors.
- Students register online through ConnectCarolina as they would for any other class.
- Students should reach out to you to schedule lessons, but feel free to contact them preemptively.
- The extra unit of credit covers the weekly hour-long studio class. Studio classes are scheduled by the lesson teacher at a time that best suits the entire studio.
300-level lessons
- Three credit classes that include weekly lessons, weekly studio class, and a recital at some point during the semester.
- If you are teaching a 300-level lesson please notify Adrian so he can activate that section in ConnectCarolina.
Group Lessons
- 1-credit group lessons designed for less experienced performers.
- Students register through ConnectCarolina.
- Currently offered in classical guitar, voice, and piano.
You can read more details here: http://music.unc.edu/undergraduate/lessons/
Start of the Semester / First Day of Classes
- Provide a syllabus for the semester to the students. Read about the University’s guidelines for an effective syllabus here.
- Upload your syllabus to the Online Syllabus Management system.
- Finalize your lesson schedule and studio class time. Hour lessons should be at least 50 minutes long. Studio classes are generally 1 hour.
- Confirm your ConnectCarolina roster is accurate.
- Submit Absence from Instruction Form if necessary.
- Complete the Census (see below).
Make sure that the roster you see on ConnectCarolina matches the roster that you’re teaching. If you see anything that doesn’t match (students enrolled who you don’t know or students you’re teaching that aren’t enrolled) immediately contact those students to get it straightened out.
The Census date also defines the end of the main Drop/Add period, during which students can drop or add classes themselves using the ConnectCarolina online system. After the census date, students can only add classes with the help of their academic advisor.
End of the Semester / Last Day of Classes
- Encourage students to fill out course evaluations. Course evaluations may be submitted through the last day of classes.
- Attend jury exams or administer academic exams. For juries, you may be asked to listen to more students than you teach in your studio. We ask that you participate in the jury exam process as extensively as you are able to do so.
- Submit your grades through ConnectCarolina. Grades are due 72 hours after the jury or final.
The academic course, studio class, recruitment, ensemble, and supplemental support portion of your salary will be paid in equal payments at the end of each month. Compensation for teaching lessons will be paid in one lump sum payment each semester. In the fall this payment will be disbursed at the end of September and in the spring it will be disbursed at the end of February. It is important that you ensure that all your students register for lessons in ConnectCarolina as this is the enrollment number that will be used when calculating your lesson compensation.
The faculty and staff mailroom is located in Hill Hall 110. Here you’ll find your mailbox, office supplies, the department copier machine, and a lounge space with a microwave, refrigerator, and coffee machine.
To check room availability, consult the Department’s master calendar.
(Click on the left side to see the calendar and the link on the bottom of the page to schedule a room.)
For standing reservations (e.g., recurring), contact Kristi Cooper directly.
Reserve rooms using the online form.
Practice Rooms and Lockers
Practice room card swipe access is automatically granted to students enrolled in lessons or ensembles and majors/minors.
Lockers can be requested using this form.
Classroom Technology
Jay Harper (Kenan Music Building 1212) is our Multimedia Technician and can help with technology in the classrooms. For immediate assistance: (919)843-7915.
Faculty Meetings
The Full faculty, Academic faculty, and PCME faculty have meetings throughout the semester, typically on Wednesdays at 12:20 pm. Some areas also meet monthly. It’s not essential you attend these, but of course, you’d be most welcome. Dates will be communicated via email.