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AdvisorDissertation Awards

Advisor: Brigid Cohen

Dissertation Title: Composing Freedom: Elliott Carter’s ‘Self-Reinvention’ and the Early Cold War

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Dissertation Abstract:

In this dissertation I examine Elliott Carter’s development from the end of the Second World War through the 1960s arguing that he carefully constructed his postwar compositional identity for Cold War audiences on both sides of the Atlantic. The majority of studies of Carter’s music have focused on technical aspects of his methods, or roots of his thoughts in earlier philosophies. Making use of published writings, correspondence, recordings of lectures, compositional sketches, and a drafts of writings, this is one of the first studies to examine Carter’s music from the perspective of the contemporary cultural and political environment. In this Cold War environment Carter emerged as one of the most prominent composers in the United States and Europe. I argue that Carter’s success lay in part due to his extraordinary acumen for developing a public persona. And his presentation of his works resonated with the times, appealing simultaneously to concert audiences, government and private foundation agents, and music professionals including impresarios, performers and other composers. This detailed study of a single composer sheds new light on how artists were able to negotiate the complex economies of the Cold War artistic environment. 


Dr. Guberman is currently a Senior Instructional Developer at Purdue University. He works with faculty members at the university to help them implement progressive pedagogical techniques, including inclusive and equitable pedagogies. He also continues to teach courses in music and other fields, where he applies the pedagogies he studies. He previously worked as a Teaching Assistant Professor at East Carolina University.