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Graduate Student (Ph.D. Candidate)

Destiny MeadowsDestiny Meadows holds a master’s degree in musicology from the University of Miami, where her research centered on music video and advocacy at the height of United States HIV/AIDS epidemic. She has also published on gender and sexuality in jazz communities in the US. She received her bachelor’s degree from Furman University in clarinet performance, where she was active in orchestras and chamber groups throughout the Charleston and Greenville areas.

In 2022, she was the recipient of the James W. Pruett Summer Fellowship, where she aided in processing the Sammy Nestico Collection and the Henry Donch Collection at the Library of Congress. She has also presented research at the International Music, Sound, and Trauma: Interdisciplinary Perspectives conference, the Harvard Graduate Music Forum, and annual meetings of the American Musicological Society.

Destiny’s current research centers on sound construction and materialism in physical fitness media created in the United States during the 1970s and 80s.

Office: Hill Hall 219