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MUSC 125: Diction for Singers III: German

Lecturer Tim Sparks

Lecturer Tim Sparks
Monday/Wednesday, 10:10 – 11:00 am

For the craft of singing, one of the most important aspects, secondary only to consistent vocal technique, is the ability to produce vernacular language sounds. Given that singing is a powerful communicative art, it is paramount that a singer gives the perception of fluency in every language performed in public. This course will begin the lifelong journey into the world of singer’s diction by introducing the tools necessary to produce vernacular sound in one of the greatest poetic languages within 18th and 19th century Romanticism: German. Limited to linguistic study alone, diction can seemingly be an intricate discipline that seems far removed from actual artistic endeavors. This course will challenge you to develop a synthesis of speech articulation along with an immediate, dramatic meaning. Therefore, precise diction is the first of many layers that constitute effective communication.

Enjoy this brief clip featuring the late Jessye Norman, with an embedded IPA transcription!

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